问答 百科手机端

英语演讲ppt  关于“最好的发明”。急需!!!

2023-11-11 09:36


Advantages of Powerpoint:

If you get lost, you can casually look at the powerpoint for gu单西对idance

Peopl量势沙汽再e can register the info more as they can observe th响安温村济e PPT

Images and 谈双怕歌愿模投作good Presentation can make the PPT more engaging

Good for Refe来自rence at the end, if they ask questions

Looks more professional

1. to show your point in a manner people can see visually

2. to make you less nervous since they will be looking at the powerpoint presentati干渐唱乎况代弱款跟宁亲on not you

3. to show you supporting mat毫优欢erial in a way pe贵供居刘充领味防免孔叶ople can see

4. to help you sell you idea
