问答 百科手机端


2023-04-17 15:09
71. no prudent person dared to act on the assumption that, when the continent was settled, one government could include the whole; and when the vast expense broke up, as seemed inevitable, into a collection of separate nations, only discord, antagonism, and wars could be expected. 71、没有一个谨慎的人能按如下的假设行事:当陆地确定以后,一个政府并不能包括全部;当这种巨大的开销终于为几个民族时,这看起来是不可避免的,人们就只能等待着争论,敌对和战争了。 72. if they were right in thinking that the next necessity in human progress was to lift the average person upon an intellectual and social level with the most favored, they stood at least three generations nearer than europe to that goal. 72、如果他们认为人类进步的下一步必需是把普通人的智力水平和社会地位向着最受欢迎的方向提高的看法正确的话,他们至少要比欧洲超前三代接近那个目标

