问答 百科手机端


2023-03-08 16:02


Watching my daughter backing off in her car, I was kind of felt 做清宜happy

for finally getting rid of taking care of her. Her bedroom was in a

mess, clothes were all over the floor and the bed, all kinds of books on

the bookshelf, test papers clas观菜是二你菜属厂绝sified by time and theme stuffed the drawer. It took me a long time to tidy up her room, holding the

idea to decorate it into a nice guest room. Suddenly, a big envelope

written "DO NOT AB首汉单特制马吃ANDON" dre倍市备永存w my attention. I opene星话宁层武移硫头加d it and found

letters, postcards and cartoon pictures cut from magazines we gave to

her inside th例值张限e envelope, all these were her childhood souvenirs. I

changed my mind, held back my tears and put clothes back限目械川. These

souvenir房写次蒸年s will waiting for 笔随尔才劳气大试必their master's back, and we will also 注食动广溶封守滑民元open

our arms to wait for our daughter's coming home.

